Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Three Men In A Boat

To say nothing of the dog! That's what I'm reading now. I just started, and since I'm too lazy to read it, and I HAVE to multitask no matter what I do, I found a free audiobook on the internet. I'm listening to the first chapter as I'm writing this. So far, it's about a bunch of old dudes who are affected by mass hysteria. Apparently they're all dying of disease. And the author's first and last names are the same. That's interesting....

I got a B+ in history! I'm so happy. I probably would've aced it if I'd studied...maybe next time.

I really have nothing much else to say, except that I'm being made to wear glasses every day now. Bifocals. And now, when I take them off, I REALLY can't see anything. Peachy, eh?

I'm getting up at 4AM tomorrow morning for the March for Life in DC. This is the first one I've ever been too, so I'll post at the end of this week all my thoughts on it. 

Happy day!


1 comment:

The Writer of the Words said...

very nice very nice. i've decided i'll comment since you don't have any yet. you should comment on MINE no one ever does. Idk if anyone reads it but they sure as heck don't comment. the nerve of some people.