Friday, January 23, 2009

I Marched For Life

Yesterday, my alarm went of at 4:45 AM. This is probably the earliest I've ever gotten up in my life. It was still dark when I left my house along with my mother, and three of my siblings. We all drove to Chester to meet the rest of our group. We filled all 47 seats on our bus, and I heard later that we were the largest group of young people from a single place. No other schools or churches had more than us. 

It was incredible to see how many people were there. At first, being stuck in the crowd, I couldn't grasp the numbers, as I was unable to see over all the heads, but at one point in the March, I reached the top of a hill and looked behind me. Nothing can describe. Countless people waving banners and chanting "Hey hey ho ho! Roe vs. Wade has got to go!" Catchy as it sounds, they were all serious about it.

I hope that we all made an impact on the future decisions to be made concerning abortion. I am proud that I was able to participate in something like this and to support what I know is right. On the bus ride home, Mr. Schafly asked if anyone had anything to say about the day in front of anyone. A few people spoke about their feelings, and one of the parents mentioned how amazed she was to see so many young people stand up for our beliefs. I agree with her.

Support LIFE.


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