Monday, January 12, 2009

So Much For

A post by the end of break! Ha! I knew even as I was writing it that I wouldn't do that. At least now we're all very well acquainted with Christina's lack of motivation.

I reread my last post to see that I'd recommended Frankenstein. Really, I shouldn't have done that without FINISHING the book first. Now that I have finished reading it, cover to cover (not really, I skipped introductions, appendicies, etc.) I have a new view on it. If you're looking for something well-written, by all means read it. If you're looking for a long, detailed book, by all means read it. If you're looking for a depressing story about twisted motives and feelings? BY ALL MEANS! Read it. But if you're like me and you enjoy a happy ending, DO NOT read this book. And I'll stop now before I get off on too much of a tangent.

I had a wonderful time in NYC for my birthday. Phantom of the Opera--beyond words of description. I could see it again, and again, and again, and never get sick of it. I must admit though, the chandelier falling was anti-climactic. Since I'd only seen the movie, I was expecting it to happen closer to the end...but the play is real I suppose, so I have to accept all of it.

Stardust still remains my favorite place to eat at. I'll never get sick of singing waiters and those rockin' nachos. And who wouldn't want to have a whole restaurant sing them Happy Birthday and have their waiter write them a birthday song? Even if that 'song' was only ten words long...

I'm in the market for a new iPod. Four gigs just isn't enough anymore. I'd like one of the new nanos. The 16G seems to be a good option. I'd like something more like over a hundred but I can't stand the Classics. Too big. Can you see one of those in my pocket? No...neither can I. Oh and I'd like a yellow one! So if anyone is out looking for birthday presents, you know what to get ;). Or cash would be nice too....

Schlafly's final exam will be this Thursday? Am I the only one who hasn't studied yet? I mean...I sort of did. I looked at some model answers, and I can't see myself doing much more than that. I hope I'll do well. It's multiple choice so I'm not TOO worried...should I be?

Praying for SPRING,


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