Wednesday, December 16, 2009

please DONT let it snow

I WANT CHRISTMAS TO BE HERE! And I'm sick of all the snow and ice and cold. How about like. Two inches of snow for Christmas, and then it can all be done and it'll be summer again. Good deal? Good deal.

I've got ALMOST all my Christmas shopping done. I've still got a few people to pick up some things for but I'm a little coughbrokecough so I'm waiting for a little money to come to me first.

Went to Woodbury Commoms last weekend! Soooo many amazing stores and sales. Waited in line outside Coach for a while right when it opened. And then in line at Ugg for like half an hour! So cold in NY compared to NJ. When we came back to Rockaway it was like shorts and t shirt weather! Leather boots don't keep your feet very warm. And no matter how comfortable the heels are your feet STILL hurt when its freezing out. But all so worth it!

Somebodyyyyy please get meh a Mt Dew!


Sunday, November 1, 2009

This Is Halloween

So I dressed up for the second time ever last night. Yes, second time, yes I know I'm sixteen, I'm making up for all those years of depravity. I have soooo much candy. It should last me a month..hahaha it'll be gone in days xP

Friday, October 30, 2009

School ;P

Uhgg. School.

Hmm going ok maybe? Getting good grades, oh yesss [: Except for history but shh thats a secrettt.

This is my first year involved in an academic coop. I've been in one other coop before (the famed Faith Center) but it revolved strictly around the arts. Bright coop (which I am currently being tortured by) has academics. Classes, ya know?

Alls going well except for lack of sleep due to my fascination with staying up as late as I can to see how dead I can be the next day. Especially Thursday nights, because Friday is the longest day of the week. Who woulda thought right? But getting up at 6 30 to be out of the house by 8 at the latest and then get to coop at 8 30 for a whopping three hours straight of mathematics. Joy.

I've got nothing more to say. Goodbye.

--Christina to the World

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Not A Wonderful Time of the Year

Yeah. It's that time again. DON'T REMIND ME! Everyone's breakin' out the ole school books. Going to bed early. HOMEWORK. No more staying out late.

Well, that's everyone else who started school yesterday. I got me another week and a half [: yeah be jealous.

I'm doing a co-op this year, which is kinda cool I guess. Someone ELSE keeping track of my work and'll be nice.

My summer was ...interesting to say the least. It had its ups and downs. Lots of sun, though. Always lots of sun. Dependable. I likes it.

Well. I don't really know what else to write here, so I think I'll be done. Have fun with school. Bleh.

--Christina to the World

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

I Have A Song In My Head!

And you'll never guess what it is! .....So guess!

It's been a longgggg time since I've been around....and I'm only updating due to popular demand....*coughmomcough*

Pilgrim's Progess (number 2!) was a COMPLETE succes. I managed to make my curtain call for both performances. Although I must admit one was rather embarrassing. Going on stage with no shoes and your zipper down.....what an experience.

Everyone put out their best effort to make it what it should be. And believe you me IT WAS. I heard from so many people about how moved they were by our performance and how powerful it was. That is what we like to hear!

I think I'm almost done with school....haha okay maybe not. I still have a whole textbook of chem to finish by August. That'll be a joy. But I think I'm sorta done with high school. I'll be taking some courses at County next school year. And clepping out of everything I can.

Something has been on my mind lately, and it has very much to do with my baby (ok not really a baby anymore..) sister Nicole. It's bothered me for a while, but I'm just recently starting to really notice it. They stare. Prolonged, rude stares. As if she's an animal. She is a person. And even though she may not notice the staring, I do. Is that what things have come to? People are stared at like they're not human because of their disabilities? Society should educate itself on handicapped persons, to be ready when they come in contact with one.

Vent over. :)

Looking forward to summer! I have four concerts I'm planning to attend. OH yes you SHOULD be jealous. Creation is coming up in just a few weeks. Four days of non-stop headbanging. Cold showers. Tents. Hot. Dirty. Sweaty. Granola bars. Water bottles. STAFF! Free t shirts. LOUD MUSIC! Mosh pits. Merch. Broke :). The life.

Hopefully that's encouragement enough for all of you to COME TO CREATION TOO!

See ya there :)

-Christina to the World

Thursday, March 12, 2009


So today, I decided to catch up on the good five writing assignments that I have piled up for me. I like to put these things off because I tell myself they're so easy I can do a ton of them in one shot. So instead of doing a simple two a week like I should, I wait until I'm weeks behind so I have some motivation to actually do them.

But anyway. I had to write a short story/vignette using ten of the fifteen words they suggested to me. Alrighty, just to let you know something. I HATE when I get writing assignments that are like "write a short story about something that we're going to spoon feed you." Where's the creativity? So I had this argument with my textbook in my head.

"Fine. I'll write your stupid paper. But it's going to make NO sense. See how you like that!"

Anyway. Here's what I came up with.

I took myself on a walk down the street today. It wasn’t a very nice day, and it was unknown even to me why I preferred a walk on a day like it. A heavy rain spilled itself from the sky, and gutters, into the street. The light was gray, and not a single bit of vegetation was in sight. Not even a small tree to line the dirty cobblestone sidewalk. I walked the stretch of the road, which is exactly one mile long. I know that it is one mile long because I have walked it many a day, on just days like this: dreary and cold.
I was becoming almost too chilly even for myself to bear, so I stepped inside a grungy old pub, whose storefront hinted the poverty of its inmates. It was without a doubt the cheapest pub in this town, which was why it was located on this very street, the cheapest street in this town. A cheap bell hung over the cheap door let off a cheap ring as I entered. The few old men who sat with their beers looked up at me for a moment, then went back to their drinking. I went to the bar and asked for a beer on tap. The bartender turned to fill a glass for me, while I dug through my coin purse for the fee. I paid the man, and took a large swallow of the beer. It was bitter and flat, as it always was at this pub, the cheapest pub in the cheapest part of town.
I asked the bartender if he had any peanuts for sale. He looked at me as if I was completely insane. 
“Peanuts? This is a PUB! We have beer. And ale. And anything alcoholic you want to drink. Want some peanuts? Go uptown for your darn peanuts!”


PS. the words I had to use were: street, gutter, tree, tap, ring, purse, swallow, peanut, light, rain

Friday, January 23, 2009

I Marched For Life

Yesterday, my alarm went of at 4:45 AM. This is probably the earliest I've ever gotten up in my life. It was still dark when I left my house along with my mother, and three of my siblings. We all drove to Chester to meet the rest of our group. We filled all 47 seats on our bus, and I heard later that we were the largest group of young people from a single place. No other schools or churches had more than us. 

It was incredible to see how many people were there. At first, being stuck in the crowd, I couldn't grasp the numbers, as I was unable to see over all the heads, but at one point in the March, I reached the top of a hill and looked behind me. Nothing can describe. Countless people waving banners and chanting "Hey hey ho ho! Roe vs. Wade has got to go!" Catchy as it sounds, they were all serious about it.

I hope that we all made an impact on the future decisions to be made concerning abortion. I am proud that I was able to participate in something like this and to support what I know is right. On the bus ride home, Mr. Schafly asked if anyone had anything to say about the day in front of anyone. A few people spoke about their feelings, and one of the parents mentioned how amazed she was to see so many young people stand up for our beliefs. I agree with her.

Support LIFE.


Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Three Men In A Boat

To say nothing of the dog! That's what I'm reading now. I just started, and since I'm too lazy to read it, and I HAVE to multitask no matter what I do, I found a free audiobook on the internet. I'm listening to the first chapter as I'm writing this. So far, it's about a bunch of old dudes who are affected by mass hysteria. Apparently they're all dying of disease. And the author's first and last names are the same. That's interesting....

I got a B+ in history! I'm so happy. I probably would've aced it if I'd studied...maybe next time.

I really have nothing much else to say, except that I'm being made to wear glasses every day now. Bifocals. And now, when I take them off, I REALLY can't see anything. Peachy, eh?

I'm getting up at 4AM tomorrow morning for the March for Life in DC. This is the first one I've ever been too, so I'll post at the end of this week all my thoughts on it. 

Happy day!


Monday, January 12, 2009

So Much For

A post by the end of break! Ha! I knew even as I was writing it that I wouldn't do that. At least now we're all very well acquainted with Christina's lack of motivation.

I reread my last post to see that I'd recommended Frankenstein. Really, I shouldn't have done that without FINISHING the book first. Now that I have finished reading it, cover to cover (not really, I skipped introductions, appendicies, etc.) I have a new view on it. If you're looking for something well-written, by all means read it. If you're looking for a long, detailed book, by all means read it. If you're looking for a depressing story about twisted motives and feelings? BY ALL MEANS! Read it. But if you're like me and you enjoy a happy ending, DO NOT read this book. And I'll stop now before I get off on too much of a tangent.

I had a wonderful time in NYC for my birthday. Phantom of the Opera--beyond words of description. I could see it again, and again, and again, and never get sick of it. I must admit though, the chandelier falling was anti-climactic. Since I'd only seen the movie, I was expecting it to happen closer to the end...but the play is real I suppose, so I have to accept all of it.

Stardust still remains my favorite place to eat at. I'll never get sick of singing waiters and those rockin' nachos. And who wouldn't want to have a whole restaurant sing them Happy Birthday and have their waiter write them a birthday song? Even if that 'song' was only ten words long...

I'm in the market for a new iPod. Four gigs just isn't enough anymore. I'd like one of the new nanos. The 16G seems to be a good option. I'd like something more like over a hundred but I can't stand the Classics. Too big. Can you see one of those in my pocket? No...neither can I. Oh and I'd like a yellow one! So if anyone is out looking for birthday presents, you know what to get ;). Or cash would be nice too....

Schlafly's final exam will be this Thursday? Am I the only one who hasn't studied yet? I mean...I sort of did. I looked at some model answers, and I can't see myself doing much more than that. I hope I'll do well. It's multiple choice so I'm not TOO worried...should I be?

Praying for SPRING,
