Saturday, September 6, 2008

The Start of Something New

Like my little High School Musical touch? HA. I don't. It's a joke. Don't worry. I haven't gone all air headed on you. Well, not yet.

But this IS a start of something new. Just nothing that has to do with screeching adolescents. This is my first year of high school not using A Beka! I'm just about bursting with joy. I'm doing a wide splay of curriculum for different subjects. Honestly, it's a relief. I don't think I'd be able to get through another year of A Beka. Last year was positively awful. I think I might actually get good grades--I'll be motivated by the light schedule. I even get to go to college! Woot! Only one semester of chemistry! I'm ecstatic. And only one semester of history, thank to our dear Mr. Schlafly. It's made my workload much easier.

I'm getting over the whole Midnight Sun thing. At least I don't think about it all the time now and it doesn't bring me to tears every time I do... If you'd like to hear one of my favorite people in the world's opinion on it, check out Kaleb Nation's blog. It may do you some good. It sure made me feel better.

I'm almost positive that the majority of my friend's has NOT started school yet. A few are aiming for Monday...others are hoping for the end of September. I'm proud to say that TECHNICALLY, yesterday was my first day of school. Schlafly's DOES count as school. The rest of my school should be underway by the end of next week. I'll probably be done early this year, again. I will actually be able to do double days without killing my self. *coughABekacough*

I'm a little exasperated with some of my friends who I know are READING this blog, but refuse to COMMENT. I encourage you--COMMENT. I like it! It makes me want to put up a new post sooner. And it assures me that YES people REALLY ARE reading this. So comment, friends!



mariposa said...

Hey! That's cool - so you're still being homeschooled & taking a college course? I have a ton of homeschooled friends who do that, so they can get professional grades. Keep posting! I love reading your stuff :)

Sharon said...

Ah...I feel your pain about abeka. I've always had a mix-and-match course load, but just the abeka Spanish during the past two years made me want to scream.

Nonsense about starting school late! I started on August 25.

When is your chem class? My spanish at CCM is on Thursday night, and my accounting is online. I love CCM!

So yeah...there's my comment.

I'm enjoying your blog, and please keep it up!

Anonymous said...

this is soo amazing!...
your things are sooo funny!
i Love reading them:P cant wait to see more!!!

love you lots

Delaney said...

What's' your favorite subject? Mine is English, most of the time. I love my English course, but it's very extensive and requires a lot of hard work. So I'm going to need to really buckle down this year and just DO it. Grr, I can conquer you, English 10! ;)

lanelareau said...

Well, I know how you feel 'cause I've was homeschooled most of my life as well. I didn't mind being homeschooled though because I was able to get outside and do things and have social interaction. I always wondered what it was like to be in "real school" and now I can experience it in college but with a firm foundation in Jesus Christ through an upbringing on sound truths in school...all that to say, I read your blog, keep posting more!!
In Christ,