Sunday, September 21, 2008

Long Time Coming

It's been 9 days since my last post, and I sincerely apologize to the few readers I have. I sort of forgot I had a blog...wasn't really the first thing on my mind.

In recent news, three of my family members had birthday. Nikki is now 9, and she's still the same size she was when she was six. I'm beginning to think she'll never grow. Mark is 14 now, and the same can be said for him, but he doesn't even have an excuse for it. Dad is officially an old man now, somewhere upwards of 90...kidding. I think he's 45? I stopped counting after 40.

Rosetta Stone is getting a little boring, and it doesn't help that I have to do it on the computer, which happens to sit in the middle of my house. For the most part of the day, everyone is making more noise than you hear at a Twilight midnight release party, and it's VERY hard to concentrate.
Since I've been procrastinating with Spanish, I've been making up for it by doing more math than usual. I'm averaging at upwards of 6 lessons a day, and it looks like I might be able to finish up by Christmas. That would be a surefire miracle.

I wish I had the resources to start a magazine. I have all these ideas for some, but I'm just not artsy enough for all the design stuff. Any volunteers? No?

I decided that I've DEFINITELY established my previous rep in Mr. Schlafly's class. If I may quote..."If you know anyone's names, it should be these girls" in reference to Deborah and myself. The sad part is, she's known because she's just so adorably sweet and nice, and I'm just evil...

Funny story! My youngest brother (who is now taller than me...but I'm still stronger), is doing the science program that I did a few years back. (I swear Dr. J Wile is born to send all teenage science students to mental hell.) He was doing one of the experiments, which basically consisted of pouring baking soda out of a balloon into a 2-liter bottle that had a bit of vinegar on the bottom. I'm sure you can guess the result he was SUPPOSED to get. The balloon would fill up with gas and tada look how cool you are. But due to a malfunction in dear brother's brain, along with too much vinegar, the balloon began to fill up before all the baking soda was out of it. A second later, little bro was met by an explosion and a faceful of baking soda. He immediately started screaming about Dr. Wile's setting the experiment up to do that on purpose...

Sorry that this post and the last one weren't as humorous as my others. I'll be back on track soon, I swear! Lots of love.


1 comment:

Sharon said...

hahaha. When I did that experiment, the stuff overflowed all over the table and my lab partner. My lab book was somewhat soggy after that.