Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Move Along, Move Along

No, that actually wasn't a Rejects quote. I was thinking more along the lines of Star Wars. Can you just picture a storm trooper in his plastic little outfit, waving his gun..."Move along, move along..."

I really surprise myself sometimes with the things I come up with. By moving along, I meant more like with the school year, but then I was struck by the title's reference to Star Wars. I guess by saying that I may as well just stamp myself with a big red mark--"I AM A HOMESCHOOLER." Up until the third (as in Revenge of the Sith) Star Wars came out, I was a fan...mostly because I was younger. They still hold a place in my heart, but ROTS definitely tarnished my view of it forever.

Wow. I just went on a tirade about Star Wars. Now, MOVING ALONG to the real topic of this post. I'm moving along with my school work, slowly, but surely. And when I say slowly, that means I STILL don't have all of my work. I acquired Rosetta Stone - Spanish today, and have started full speed ahead. Since I have all this time on my hands that ISN'T occupied by the school I don't have, I've been trying to get as much of the other stuff done as I can. I'm averaging about three lessons of math a day. I could do more; it really isn't that hard, but I just get so bored after an hour of algebra...

Spanish is going well. I'm doing about three lessons per day of that too, so I'm hoping to get levels 1 and 2 both done in one year. Things are looking good...

Today was the first day of Faith Center. Well, not really a 'first day.' More like freshman orientation. That's really what it should be called, because even though everyone is 'required' to go, it's just for all the new people who have absolutely no idea what to do with themselves. Not the uber-seniors like me...can we say ten years plus? Good.

I'll be doing Mrs. Oehme's Musical Scenes class again, which will be continuing Pilgrim's Progress where we left off, moving on from the end of Part 1 on to the rest of Part 2. The original cast will be performing Part 1 again in January, when our graduated seniors will all be back from college. I'm a little anxious about that because I sort of don't know where my script went, and I've just about forgotten my lines...I think I still have the music somewhat memorized. I hope she'll be gracious enough to give us lots of rehearsal time before the performance.

Alas, once again, I'm procrastinating with Mr. Schlafly's homework. I have a feeling everyone else is too...from what I've heard, no one has started yet. That makes me feel a smidgen better. I'm hoping to get to it tonight--at least to read the lecture. And then there's the daunting task of figuring out how to post it on Conservapedia. I hope it's not TOO complicated, or I just might have to hand it in hand-written. I bet he'd appreciate that. *Sarcasm*



lanelareau said...

Yeah, college definitely gives you that feeling, and yet I'm thankful I have the foundation to keep me from the trappings of the world system...how long until you go to college?

mariposa said...

Hey! Yeah, I totally know what you mean about how it's easier to get credit for highschool & college together. My parents were/are pretty protective too. Hmm, maybe it's a trend in homeschoolers?? :) By the way, I was just wondering, what's your opinion of my blog? I kind of just started it, so I'd love feedback if you ever get the chance. Talk to you later!

Colette said...

Nice blog! Star Wars...This reminds me, just the other day I was caught with a Star Wars CD falling out of my dance music case. It wasn't mine, I swear! No, seriously, I have no idea where it came from. O_O Anyway, I like your writing style. I look forward to more posts, keep it up!

lanelareau said...

glad the blog made you think! =) I go to a local college that is an extension to a main campus and I love it. I'm close enough to stay at home and have the support of my family and friends from church but I also have the independence of college and the interaction with the students...it's a good transition stage between adolescence and adulthood.

Sharon said...

hahaha! Let me know when Pilgrim's Progress is. I never got to see it last year.