Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Fiction and Nail Polish

I'm considering starting a webzine. This is currently just an idea, so don't go getting all excited. (Actually, I wish some people WOULD be excited about it.) I need to talk to a few of my friends to try to get them to help me. It'll be hard work, but I have a feeling it'll really hit off.

I've had a serious writer's block lately. I can't seem to motivate myself to do anything. It's like school is sucking my brains out. And seriously, it really does. It was never like this before A Beka. Then again, I didn't really do any writing before A Beka. But still, I'm convinced it's of the devil. I keep trying to make myself write but it just isn't working. It's getting to be a little depressing. I'm hoping this is temporary, and I'm not losing my touch or anything.

So I was three lessons shy of finishing Module B of my Algebra and I was secretly hoping that my dear Ms. Colette would take a little longer to give me Module C so I'd have an excuse to have some time off from math, but no. The day I am to finish B, dad announces that he picked up C when he was at their house the other day. So onward with Algebra!

I've recently been appointed to co-write another blog for my youth group. It's on my profile page, so feel free to go read. Thing is, I haven't posted anything quite yet, but I should have something up in the next few days. I wanted to run the first post by my youth pastor so he could 'approve' it before it went up. So I'll let everyone know when my first post goes up officially.

Mrs. Oehme's class is proving to be just as it was last year. HARD. We got a piece of music last week, and a new one this week. All to be semi-memorized. And it doesn't help that I'm always forgetting to practice (cough like today cough). I've been managing so far (it's only been a week), but I have a feeling I'm going to start having to put in some SERIOUS work to keep up.

Currently reading "Do Hard Things" by Alex and Brett Harris. They're these twins who are all about using your teen years to do things to prepare you for later life. Right on! I was checking out their websits (, and for their 9/11 post they mention that a certain classmate/friend, had organized a 9/11 tribute. GUESS WHO THAT STUDENT WAS? None other than dear Rebecca Beach! I was so shocked! I was like OMG I LOVE REBECCA! I left this big long comment about it. So go check out their website, they're smart kids.

NEWSFLASH: Has nothing to do with homeschooling. I FINALLY got blue nail polish!!!

I guess that's all I really have to say for now. Again, I apologize for the lack of humor in this post. I'm very tired. Soon!


1 comment:

sarah said...

hey!! awesome blog! that is sooo cool about the harris twins, and to think.. i'm going there next weekend to hang out with them! ;) hahaha anyway, keep up with the blogging and YES i think you should do a webzine!