Tuesday, September 13, 2011

OK! A real post.

It was my resolution that as soon as I got to 'real' college, I would start blogging on the regular. Well, that went down in flames when the crack on my computer screen spread, making the computer unusable. I've gone through a few weeks without it, and through many trials and tribulations as a result, but FINALLY, I have it back and have no excuses left not to blog besides my own laziness. SO HERE I GO OK??

I have no idea where to even start. The beginning already seems so long ago, and I sort of glanced over it, so there's really no point in repeating any of it.

OMG! One thing I've discovered here, ok not really discovered. I knew this already and expected it, but then it HIT me. Virginia is SO different than New Jersey, in ways I didn't even think of.

The most obvious: pumping gas. Yes, yes, I know New Jersey is the odd state out here. But to be sitting in the passenger seat , and having the driver get out of the car to put gas in it? SO WEIRD. Even better, is that I don't even know how to pump gas. I never have, and I'm not going to any time soon. (Although Gabby is convinced I should be losing my 'gas pumping virginity' soon.....)

Another obvious one: accents and dialect. I mean, everyone else is just so weird, and I'm normal. Of course. Like, doesn't EVERYONE in the world call pizzas pies? A pie of pizza? A slice of a pie? No...? APPARENTLY NOT. And all these people saying tour like 'tewr' and ya'll and that stuff. Too weird.

Mock trial. Those two words signify what has become my life and will continue to take over every aspect of it for the foreseeable future. Three weeks to prepare a 130pg case? Yeah, we're doing that.

And the professors! When I was at community college, I remember 'liking' professors. Maybe even thinking they were funny. POSSIBLY even going as far to say I learned something from them. Here is an entirely different story. Every single minute spent in class is a learning experience. It's impossible for me to sit through a lecture without my attention being completely monopolized. (Ok, I can think of one or two classes that I'm not entirely enthusiastic about, but whatever.) Two words: SPINNISMS and FAVELISMS.

And so we go.


Anonymous said...

i feel like you're missing something.

Anonymous said...

Dude i remember the first time pumping gas at college.. i spilled it all over me haha lovin your blog.. i'll be follin ya :)