Friday, September 2, 2011

Wait, going home?

On the one hand, it feels like this has been just one extended summer camp, and now it's time to go home.

But then it hits me. Home?

I'll be driving back to good old New Jersey tomorrow, which is now a mess of floods, lack of power, and downed electric lines. This is home. Yet I still have the feeling that I'm leaving home to go home.

Everyone always told me that college would become my new home quickly. I did not believe it. I was convinced that I would be counting the days until my trips back to NJ. I was so sure that I'd feel so detached here that going back home would feel like such a relief.

And I'm totally not downplaying the importance of my family. I can't wait to see everyone, and I so appreciate and love them. But I have family here now, too. My wing is the best I could ever ask for.

So thank God for family at home, and family at my home away from home.


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