Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Equality, Spinney, and French Fries

This is something I've had run ins with since the moment I stepped on to the PHC campus. I signed a contract, and I'm committed to it. Obviously, I've fallen short on a few occasions, not always on purpose (everyone makes mistakes), but for the most part I've complied with the rules that I've agreed to.

However. It absolutely irks me to see how certain girls are targeted with the dress code rules more than others. Now, we're talking about girls who are ALL BREAKING DRESS CODE. Yet some of them will get called out, and others will not. The reasons for this can be anything. In my opinion I believe it's directly related to the physical appearance of those breaking dress code, and the opinions those who are dress coding hold.

My only thing to say on this: there is no reason. All should be treated equally, regardless of who they are or what they look like. Breaking dress code is breaking dress code.

Another thing. People who pretend to understand you when they DON'T and have no idea where you come from and what your life has served you. Everyone has their own background which dictates who they are today. Recognize it and accept it.

On the plus side, I lived through my first Spinney test. I studied my butt off for hours and hours and hours and hours and hours and HOPEFULLY it all paid off. I'm just glad it's all over and I won't have to look Spinney in the eye as he says "Spin the wheel of misfortune" ....at least for a little while. I'm not exactly sure what's worse. The test or the sound of that thing.

Ahh! Matthew is coming to stay with me during Homecoming! For those of you who don't know, Matt is only the coolest brother in the entire world. And he's totally coming here after he graduates (or so I say). He's staying in D4, where all the cool guys live. He'll fit in great :)

Well, I should probably go do some homework since I have a Logic paper to write, a Spinney lecture to read, hours of Rhetoric homework and a room to clean. All I know is Jesse better get here with my french fries soon.

And so we go.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

still missing something...