Monday, October 17, 2011

In a world where everything goes

No one understands satire.
People are quick to accuse.
Many put down others without investigation.
No one appreciates humor.
Everyone takes themselves far too seriously.

I'd love to say I'm sorry for offending you, but I'm not.
Have a nice day.

And so we go.

Monday, October 10, 2011

My school is cool.

Can I Just Have Like Two Seconds To Rant?

Ok, here it goes.

I thoroughly despise the amount of hazing/bullying, and all around douchebaggery that goes on at this school.

REALITY CHECK: No one's life is your business and you would be wise to back off. The people who proclaim to be 'good' people, better than others, yet you turn around and just hack on people's lives. No one asked, no one cares.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Equality, Spinney, and French Fries

This is something I've had run ins with since the moment I stepped on to the PHC campus. I signed a contract, and I'm committed to it. Obviously, I've fallen short on a few occasions, not always on purpose (everyone makes mistakes), but for the most part I've complied with the rules that I've agreed to.

However. It absolutely irks me to see how certain girls are targeted with the dress code rules more than others. Now, we're talking about girls who are ALL BREAKING DRESS CODE. Yet some of them will get called out, and others will not. The reasons for this can be anything. In my opinion I believe it's directly related to the physical appearance of those breaking dress code, and the opinions those who are dress coding hold.

My only thing to say on this: there is no reason. All should be treated equally, regardless of who they are or what they look like. Breaking dress code is breaking dress code.

Another thing. People who pretend to understand you when they DON'T and have no idea where you come from and what your life has served you. Everyone has their own background which dictates who they are today. Recognize it and accept it.

On the plus side, I lived through my first Spinney test. I studied my butt off for hours and hours and hours and hours and hours and HOPEFULLY it all paid off. I'm just glad it's all over and I won't have to look Spinney in the eye as he says "Spin the wheel of misfortune" least for a little while. I'm not exactly sure what's worse. The test or the sound of that thing.

Ahh! Matthew is coming to stay with me during Homecoming! For those of you who don't know, Matt is only the coolest brother in the entire world. And he's totally coming here after he graduates (or so I say). He's staying in D4, where all the cool guys live. He'll fit in great :)

Well, I should probably go do some homework since I have a Logic paper to write, a Spinney lecture to read, hours of Rhetoric homework and a room to clean. All I know is Jesse better get here with my french fries soon.

And so we go.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

I'm about to shamelessly promote myself.

My roommate Gabrielle and I have created a joint blog about the typical (and sometimes not so typical) PHC experience.

And it would make my life if you would read it!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

OK! A real post.

It was my resolution that as soon as I got to 'real' college, I would start blogging on the regular. Well, that went down in flames when the crack on my computer screen spread, making the computer unusable. I've gone through a few weeks without it, and through many trials and tribulations as a result, but FINALLY, I have it back and have no excuses left not to blog besides my own laziness. SO HERE I GO OK??

I have no idea where to even start. The beginning already seems so long ago, and I sort of glanced over it, so there's really no point in repeating any of it.

OMG! One thing I've discovered here, ok not really discovered. I knew this already and expected it, but then it HIT me. Virginia is SO different than New Jersey, in ways I didn't even think of.

The most obvious: pumping gas. Yes, yes, I know New Jersey is the odd state out here. But to be sitting in the passenger seat , and having the driver get out of the car to put gas in it? SO WEIRD. Even better, is that I don't even know how to pump gas. I never have, and I'm not going to any time soon. (Although Gabby is convinced I should be losing my 'gas pumping virginity' soon.....)

Another obvious one: accents and dialect. I mean, everyone else is just so weird, and I'm normal. Of course. Like, doesn't EVERYONE in the world call pizzas pies? A pie of pizza? A slice of a pie? No...? APPARENTLY NOT. And all these people saying tour like 'tewr' and ya'll and that stuff. Too weird.

Mock trial. Those two words signify what has become my life and will continue to take over every aspect of it for the foreseeable future. Three weeks to prepare a 130pg case? Yeah, we're doing that.

And the professors! When I was at community college, I remember 'liking' professors. Maybe even thinking they were funny. POSSIBLY even going as far to say I learned something from them. Here is an entirely different story. Every single minute spent in class is a learning experience. It's impossible for me to sit through a lecture without my attention being completely monopolized. (Ok, I can think of one or two classes that I'm not entirely enthusiastic about, but whatever.) Two words: SPINNISMS and FAVELISMS.

And so we go.

Monday, September 12, 2011


Google FINALLY made an iPhone app for Blogger! My life has been made.

But go figure I only discover this the day I'm supposed to get my laptop back. Ah well. Typing long posts on an iPhone is NOT fun, which is why I'm going to save my REAL next post for tomorrow :)

And so we go.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Wait, going home?

On the one hand, it feels like this has been just one extended summer camp, and now it's time to go home.

But then it hits me. Home?

I'll be driving back to good old New Jersey tomorrow, which is now a mess of floods, lack of power, and downed electric lines. This is home. Yet I still have the feeling that I'm leaving home to go home.

Everyone always told me that college would become my new home quickly. I did not believe it. I was convinced that I would be counting the days until my trips back to NJ. I was so sure that I'd feel so detached here that going back home would feel like such a relief.

And I'm totally not downplaying the importance of my family. I can't wait to see everyone, and I so appreciate and love them. But I have family here now, too. My wing is the best I could ever ask for.

So thank God for family at home, and family at my home away from home.


Saturday, August 20, 2011


Ok so I never actually thought I would get to a real college. It was always this far away idea in my head that I fantasized about, but I never really felt solidly about it. Now that I'm here, it feels so natural that I don't know why I ever felt weird about it.

As much as I miss home, I really like it here. I thought that I would hate the small town, and feel trapped because I was in the middle of nowhere...ish. But really, I can't imagine being any where else right now.

Monday, July 18, 2011

The Day Is Fast Approaching

August 16th, I will be moving into my dorm officially.

*insert small excited fit here*

I really have mixed feelings about this. I'm terribly excited to be moving out, on my own, and going to college. Then there's the cold feet. HOW THE HECK WILL I MANAGE WITHOUT LIVING WITH MOMMY AND DADDY??

As it gets closer, I realize how much of a child I still am. Two years ago, I was SO ready for this. (Mentally, at least.) Now I feel completely unprepared. I have so much growing up left to do!

This is all part of the making of me, though. This IS growing up.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Family Reunion

Not going to lie, the phrase up there in the title gets me nervous. And nervous is exactly how I felt on the drive up to Connecticut to see the Fortini/Forstl side for the first time in about 8-10 years. My feelings were somewhat calmed when my uncle offered to let me chauffeur him to the reunion. In the 2011 Dodge Charger that he rented for the weekend.


Not to go off on a tangent about a car, but it was fabulous.

Anyway. The reunion was EXTREMELY enjoyable! I got to see sooo many people I didn't even remember, and found out I'm related to someone who looks and talks EXACTLY like Stu from the Hangover. Needless to say, day made.

And then I got to spend a lovely Father's Day with mi padre, his two brothers, and my cousins. Altogether a laid back day, with tons of quality time spent. Come back to me my lovely Fortinis!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Eagle Forum Summit was sooo amazing. Update tomorrow or sunday!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Eagle forum collegiates summit

Totally enjoying the conference! Got to meet michele Bachmann who basically said she was going to run for president! Love her!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Shocker: posting only a week after the last one?

I mean, maybe I'm the only one who is shocked? Although it shouldn't be a surprise. The semester is over, and I'm only working one job so I have all this...stuff on my hands. Time? What is this time thing you speak of?

Well my time is being used up by three things. Work, working OUT, and MUSIC.

Starting to work out regularly for the first time since, I think...last summer? It hurts just to think that. I'm such a freaky out of shape mess!

Work: I hate to be that person who just sits around and complains about their job, but I'm going to be. It's a rotten place. It smells like onions. My boss refuses to make a schedule, and insists on calling me and asking me to come in...right that second. No, I will not drop what I'm doing and come straight there even if I can, simply because you called me and told me to. Call me what you like, but I won't. Eesh. Can't wait to go to college and NOT work.

And music. I think I was 14 the last time I listened to this much music on a regular basis. But in an information age with FM transmitters, iPods, and multimedia smartphones, it's so much more accessible.

I want to talk about this one thing: dubstep. It seems like it's the new thing to center your life around. With good reason! According to my favorite Urban Dictionary, dubstep is music centered around bass. Or as me and my fellow listeners say, WOMP WOMP WOMP WOMP da da YAYAYAYAYAYAAYAYAYAYA.

I'm especially proud of two certain people. I'm going to be annoying and give them shout outs, but only because they are SO AMAZING I CAN'T TAKE IT. They have gifts.

The first is the one and only Matt, my dear brother. He goes by the alias, Cliche of the Day, and his mixes can be found on his Reverb Nation page.

The second is Josh, my fellow bandmate. A gifted kid, that he is. Find him on Reverb Nation also, as A.C.O.G. (A Child of God).

If you happen to find time in your busy schedule, listening to those kids would be a good use of your time. I promise you shall not be disappointed. :)

Ok I'm done shamelessly promoting my family and friends.

And so we go.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

A close.

I'm going to sit here and write a blog post instead of finishing the 1000 word poli sci paper and the 5pg econ research paper I have waiting for me to do in the next five hours before the next day must begin. After all, what kind of college student would I be if I did not procrastinate as much as is physically possible?

Coming to the end of my first full year in college, I have discovered so many things. First, Mom and Dad were right. Aren't they always? When I graduated high school, I was so ready to go straight to a four year school and start my life on my own. Yet I had the voices of my parents telling me that I should stay around for one more year, which I could not fight even if I wanted to. Being a minor means your hands are tied, even when it comes to signing your own college applications. So I enrolled full time at community college and started taking credits that would transfer to my desired school, then a few just for fun.

Over the first month or so of my first semester, I was going through a serious life change, and to be honest, I don't even remember half of it. I came and went basically, made friends around the middle of the semester, lost them by the end, and altogether the only thing I had to show for that four months of my life was a 3.85 GPA. I then got to fight my way through the holidays while trying to bear the burden of a relationship that was more important to me than life going awry. Along with that, two days after Christmas I was laid off. Happy holidays.

But there was an upside to all of that. During my month off from school and work I spent a lot of time at home with my family, especially Matthew, that I am so glad that I had. I spent countless late nights up watching movies with Matt, playing music with him, and just hanging out. At the time, I felt like I was going to die from cabin fever, but looking back I realize that it was perfect timing. Because as soon as the spring semester started up again and I got a new job, I had less and less time with the family that I would, in a couple months, be moving away from. It hit me that at the end of this summer, I'm going to be leaving my house and going to college. It was really going to happen and I wouldn't have those late nights with Matt anymore, or time to hang out with my Mom, or chat with my Dad over breakfast in the morning, or say goodnight to Nicole, or go out to eat every Thursday morning with Mike, or scream for Mark when I found a spider in my room. A new time in life is approaching fast, and I need to make the most of the one I am in now.

So I started the spring semester, was able to somewhat repair my broken relationship, and a whole new set of classes. In the first week I think I changed all but two of my classes because I wasn't satisfied them, but after finally getting settled, my goal was to get a 4.0. Well I don't think that's happening, but at least I can say it was because I didn't try hard enough, not because I tried my best and failed. I made friends and lost friends. I spend too many days brooding over things I couldn't control instead of just enjoying the things I had. I worked way too much and studied way too little. Now that I'm finished, or will be after theses next 8 or so pages of writing and research, I can say that YES I wasted time, but this year was NOT a waste.

I got a chance to experience what it was like to be on my own, like working to pay for my car and gas, and going to school by myself, meeting new people. Yet still, I had the advantage of going home every night and having a solid ground to rest on.

First, thank you Mom and Dad for being right. Second, thank you county college for teaching me what I don't want out of life. Thank you to the people who showed me what I don't deserve, and those who showed me what I do.

Thank you God for keeping me alive.

And so we go.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

This is a short story. In fact it will be a very short story. Probably one of the shortest stories you will ever read, if you do in fact happen to read it. The idea came in a time of boredom in recollection of recent desperation. What kind of desperation? I don’t know if you’re asking that question, but I would if were you.

The subject of our short story we will give a name to, but not a real name because where would the interest be in that? We will name her Desperate, since she is desperate, and desperately finds herself in frequent moments of desperation. There is no use describing her appearance, as it has nothing to do with the point of the story, although she may argue otherwise to the ends of the earth.

Desperate finds herself one day caught in the sickness of her usual cycle, and is having trouble breathing. This is normal to her, and she does not think anything of it until the problem progresses throughout the days and she is soon struggling for air in a way no one should have to. The trip to the hospital is a nightmare for her. Hours of waiting…waiting in desperation for air. Waiting for the jitters of her antidote to wear down. Waiting for the clock hand to move…yet no matter how long she waits it refuses to move. Waiting for the needle in her arm to fix things as it is supposed to.

The night ended in a morning, driving home to continue regular consumption of drugs and relief until she is healed. But she does not heal. Her body slowly regains strength, and her lungs empty. But she does not heal. Her mind is caught in the slow progression of time and darkness that she cannot seem to escape. She fights it through the night, and is wearied by it through the day. The understanding of her plight cannot find its way to the consciousnesses of those around her. They pass her by, unnerved perhaps by her manner, but unaware of her battle. Those she should be able to look up to or look beside herself to have somehow faded into the outskirts of her small mind. It is not her choice to forget them, but they have forgotten themselves to her, and so she has forgotten them to herself.

Could there be any single one who can fix her? Every day and every night of tears will find her searching to new ends to find something…anything to help. She finds small reliefs in short doses, but they cannot be with her always. Relief can treat a symptom, but never cure a disease.

And so she shall go.

She will go on destroying whatever she can find. Her ravaged mind will eat away at anything it comes in contact with, and she will relish the destruction that she is able to repay to the individuals around her as revenge for her hurt. And when they are gone…when every single one has left her, she will turn and she will disappear. No one will remain to grieve her, and no one will consider her loss a loss. She could have been helped.

But wait! In the dark corner of her mind lurks a light that is so small the eye may not see it. It is there. As she falls and falls, deeper into depression and loneliness, the light grows. It grows eyes and hands and feet. And with its eyes, it shows her the worth she has. And with its hands it patches up the scars that cover her. And with its feet it carries her through her storm.

Through the hurt, she has grown stronger. And through the light of mystery, she has been made whole.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

I'm going to try this whole posting regularly thing

I got accepted into Phi Theta Kappa! For those of you who don't know, it's part of the National Honors Society. I got to go to an induction ceremony and everything. It's nice to have something like that to know that my hard work doesn't just pass by unnoticed by anyone.

I'm going to visit Patrick Henry this Friday for their Prospective Students Day. I cannot wait. I've literally been thinking about it every single day since I found out I was going. Maybe that's why I wasn't able to write those essays last night..hmm or I was just tired beyond belief and couldn't make sense of Western Civilizations.

I can't wait to go away to school and JUST do school full time without working or anything. I feel like I would do so much better if I wasn't working two jobs that take up every spare second of my time. It's like: money, grades, sleep. Pick two. Social life is barely even an option in there. It's sad to see when school becomes your social life.

And so we go.

-Christina to the World

Friday, March 25, 2011

I'm back from the dead.

Usually this happens when someone begs me to because they miss reading my blog. Well no one misses me this time, but I miss myself, *sigh* I used to be so hilarious.


An update on what has been going on:

I was accepted to Patrick Henry College and am now OFFICIALLY transferring there this fall. I'm SUPER excited about this. I'm going to be studying Government with focus on International Politics and Policies. I cannot even begin to describe how nerdy I feel about being this psyched about SCHOOL. Ha.

Currently, I'm still studying at SCCC, which is going fine. I feel a sense of malaise there, but that's just me being dissatisfied, which I have a frequent tendency to do. I'm trying to get past that, though, because it makes me put less effort into my work.

I could probably write a whole slew of other things that make no sense and matter little to anyone who happens to go out of their way to read this, but it's after 11pm and I'm one of those people who works and works and then dies of exhaustion. So excuse the run on sentence, and let me fall into slumber.

More posts soon!

And so we go.

-Christina to the World.