Monday, June 20, 2011

Family Reunion

Not going to lie, the phrase up there in the title gets me nervous. And nervous is exactly how I felt on the drive up to Connecticut to see the Fortini/Forstl side for the first time in about 8-10 years. My feelings were somewhat calmed when my uncle offered to let me chauffeur him to the reunion. In the 2011 Dodge Charger that he rented for the weekend.


Not to go off on a tangent about a car, but it was fabulous.

Anyway. The reunion was EXTREMELY enjoyable! I got to see sooo many people I didn't even remember, and found out I'm related to someone who looks and talks EXACTLY like Stu from the Hangover. Needless to say, day made.

And then I got to spend a lovely Father's Day with mi padre, his two brothers, and my cousins. Altogether a laid back day, with tons of quality time spent. Come back to me my lovely Fortinis!

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