Wednesday, September 8, 2010



Ah. For starters, I was up at 5am. Yes, 5am. Why? Work. 6am. Why on earth they schedule me to work before school is beyond me. I have school Mondays and Wednesdays. Two days. Not that hard? Whatever. So I open Greene's Beans at 6:30am, and stay there til 10, then rush over to SCCC, change my clothes and hurry to my first class.

For the record, I felt like I was in high school. Or rather, what I imagine high school to be like since I was home schooled forever. It just seemed like it. So my first class was Western Civ. I totally thought this was going to be a boring class, and history is always boring anyways, but luckily I have a hilarious professor. He made jokes the whole time and really related to everyone. SO glad that my cool teacher happened to be my history teacher. History needs good teachers.

SO. I finish WC EARLY! Yessssssss. So I hang out in hallways (see? like high school) with Mike and his friends until about 10 minutes before my second class because I have to walk literally across the entire campus for my next class. With a book back full of textbooks/notebooks/lunch that I didn't have time to eat/wallet. (I intelligently invested in a backpack at the end of the day.)

Class #2: Acting. I am going to LOVE this class. The people in it were so cool: no judgment or just plain old rudeness. Everyone was very accepting. I'm going to be auditioning for the SCCC play (The Wedding Singer) and EVERYONE has to come see it whether I get a good part or not (but, y'know hope that I get a good part?).

AND FINALLY. Class #3: Spanish 2. This guy was no nonsense. He used up the entire class period (and a few minutes extra) and barely spoke ANY English. I was so lost, and brain dead from being up since BEFORE the crack of dawn. But I love Spanish and hopefully next class I'll be a little better rested.

BUT. It is time for Christina to go to bed, because she has to get up AGAIN at 5am. Wish me luck!

And so we go.

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