Tuesday, September 14, 2010


I am QUITE disappointed that I did not get a callback for a lead in the Wedding Singer. Oh well. I'll be in the ensemble and just have to try again next semester.

I'm positively DROWNING in homework currently. By 10 50 tomorrow, I need to have about 50 more pages of history read, and a whole chapter of macroeconomics. On top of the two chapters of theology I just did. Good thing I had two shots of espresso earlier today or this would be completely impossible. Hooray for not sleeping.

Everyone who reads this should come visit me at Greene's Beans. I make good coffee ;) promise

I think that everyone who reads this should also get their own blog and post about their life. I would read it, really! Anyone who gets one, I will follow you and comment and bug the heck out of you :)

And so we go.

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