Monday, June 28, 2010



Ok. Trying to calm down. Because I'm just going insane with excitement right now. I'm so excited I decided to pull an all nighter. Yeah. I'm serious. it's gonna be the best week of my life (I hope...)!

Anyway, the band I'm most excited for is SKILLET of course. That's a no brainer. They're the LAST band to play so they'll get to play extra long but I'm afraid I'll be dead tired by the time Saturday comes around. I'll just have to try to not kill myself in a mosh pit before then.

Some other bands are the Classic Crime, Tobymac, Switchfoot, Casting Crowns, Family Force 5, and a few other ones that have escaped me. And also, tons of amazing speakers that even me with my short attention span am completely absorbed in.

And of course I'm excited about spending time with my family (heart) especially DAD because we haven't had vacation/chill time since like LAST YEAR. Tons of friendsss will be there as well, and I finally have spending money that I can blow to my heart's desire on unnecessary impulse buys.

A few things I MUST get are: a new guitar pick necklace (BECAUSE I BROKE MINE!!), maybe a new guitar ring because mine is like big on me now and keeps falling off (I swear it hates me and is just trying to get away), TONS OF FREE T SHIRTS, a new pair of sunglasses (even tho I have a million already), and at least one new band t. And I'm going to NOT eat all that nasty cheap food like funnel cake, onion rings, monsters, rootbeer floats, and large popsicles. BLEGH.

Anywayyyy, I might be posting from my cellular telephone sporadically throughout the week so keep checking upp ;]

And so we go.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

I'm a Graduated Graduate!

Finally done! I walked down to the Pomp and Circumstance, I sat on that stage for HOURS, I moved my tassle, and BAM! I was free. And now...I'm not even sure what to do with myself. I suddenly realize that I won't be picking out my curriculum for next year. I won't be thinking about coop classes, or fine arts or anything.

Well, now that school is over I can finally have time to update this blog. But now I'm worried that I'll have nothing to talk about! All I ever posted was about school, but I guess now I can just move on to the subject of college.

Speaking of which: to answer the question everyone continues to ask me. No, I am not going away to college this fall. Unfortunately, I will be attending SCCC for the year. The plan was to apply for a full Journalism scholarship at Patrick Henry College, and since I missed the deadline for this fall, I was going to apply for the fall of 2011. But according to Standard Achievement Tests, I'm not smart enough for that. The scholarship is no longer available for me, but I will still be transferring in the fall of 2011 or possible the spring semester preceding it. I'm not very happy about not being able to go away this fall, so forgive my cynicism.
And so we go.