Wednesday, January 27, 2010


I was supposed to post last Saturday...but of course I didn't. We all know me. But at least I posted the link! There was a quote from me in there at the end..if anyone cared to read that far.

The weather in DC was PERFECT! There was none of that yucky snow/rain that everyone was saying we were gonna get. It wasn't too cold, and it was SUNNY! Yessssss.

I have to say...the Krispy Kreme donuts at the end...they just made it all worth while. All the walking, aching feet, and lack of sleep was forgotten when I saw those donuts.

Right. We're supposed to be talking about the MARCH. There were SO many people there! And all different too. There was lots of loud chanting. And Nicole was our free ticket through any crowd at all.

At one point, I saw a kid staring at her. And I gave him a good 30 seconds to correct himself, but of COURSE he didn't. So I told him "Staring at her won't make her any less weird." I don't think I've ever seen anyone turn that red. And it was all topped off by Mom's comment.

"That was epic."



1 comment:

deb :) said...

hahahahahahahahaa. i love you so much. good for you i would have killed to be with you to see that guys face :)

keep writing i loooove reading your posts and i read all of them....

major disappointed: we had to turn around and walk back before the march was over so i didnt get any donuts. i basically cried :(