Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Fiction and Nail Polish

I'm considering starting a webzine. This is currently just an idea, so don't go getting all excited. (Actually, I wish some people WOULD be excited about it.) I need to talk to a few of my friends to try to get them to help me. It'll be hard work, but I have a feeling it'll really hit off.

I've had a serious writer's block lately. I can't seem to motivate myself to do anything. It's like school is sucking my brains out. And seriously, it really does. It was never like this before A Beka. Then again, I didn't really do any writing before A Beka. But still, I'm convinced it's of the devil. I keep trying to make myself write but it just isn't working. It's getting to be a little depressing. I'm hoping this is temporary, and I'm not losing my touch or anything.

So I was three lessons shy of finishing Module B of my Algebra and I was secretly hoping that my dear Ms. Colette would take a little longer to give me Module C so I'd have an excuse to have some time off from math, but no. The day I am to finish B, dad announces that he picked up C when he was at their house the other day. So onward with Algebra!

I've recently been appointed to co-write another blog for my youth group. It's on my profile page, so feel free to go read. Thing is, I haven't posted anything quite yet, but I should have something up in the next few days. I wanted to run the first post by my youth pastor so he could 'approve' it before it went up. So I'll let everyone know when my first post goes up officially.

Mrs. Oehme's class is proving to be just as it was last year. HARD. We got a piece of music last week, and a new one this week. All to be semi-memorized. And it doesn't help that I'm always forgetting to practice (cough like today cough). I've been managing so far (it's only been a week), but I have a feeling I'm going to start having to put in some SERIOUS work to keep up.

Currently reading "Do Hard Things" by Alex and Brett Harris. They're these twins who are all about using your teen years to do things to prepare you for later life. Right on! I was checking out their websits (, and for their 9/11 post they mention that a certain classmate/friend, had organized a 9/11 tribute. GUESS WHO THAT STUDENT WAS? None other than dear Rebecca Beach! I was so shocked! I was like OMG I LOVE REBECCA! I left this big long comment about it. So go check out their website, they're smart kids.

NEWSFLASH: Has nothing to do with homeschooling. I FINALLY got blue nail polish!!!

I guess that's all I really have to say for now. Again, I apologize for the lack of humor in this post. I'm very tired. Soon!


Sunday, September 21, 2008

Long Time Coming

It's been 9 days since my last post, and I sincerely apologize to the few readers I have. I sort of forgot I had a blog...wasn't really the first thing on my mind.

In recent news, three of my family members had birthday. Nikki is now 9, and she's still the same size she was when she was six. I'm beginning to think she'll never grow. Mark is 14 now, and the same can be said for him, but he doesn't even have an excuse for it. Dad is officially an old man now, somewhere upwards of 90...kidding. I think he's 45? I stopped counting after 40.

Rosetta Stone is getting a little boring, and it doesn't help that I have to do it on the computer, which happens to sit in the middle of my house. For the most part of the day, everyone is making more noise than you hear at a Twilight midnight release party, and it's VERY hard to concentrate.
Since I've been procrastinating with Spanish, I've been making up for it by doing more math than usual. I'm averaging at upwards of 6 lessons a day, and it looks like I might be able to finish up by Christmas. That would be a surefire miracle.

I wish I had the resources to start a magazine. I have all these ideas for some, but I'm just not artsy enough for all the design stuff. Any volunteers? No?

I decided that I've DEFINITELY established my previous rep in Mr. Schlafly's class. If I may quote..."If you know anyone's names, it should be these girls" in reference to Deborah and myself. The sad part is, she's known because she's just so adorably sweet and nice, and I'm just evil...

Funny story! My youngest brother (who is now taller than me...but I'm still stronger), is doing the science program that I did a few years back. (I swear Dr. J Wile is born to send all teenage science students to mental hell.) He was doing one of the experiments, which basically consisted of pouring baking soda out of a balloon into a 2-liter bottle that had a bit of vinegar on the bottom. I'm sure you can guess the result he was SUPPOSED to get. The balloon would fill up with gas and tada look how cool you are. But due to a malfunction in dear brother's brain, along with too much vinegar, the balloon began to fill up before all the baking soda was out of it. A second later, little bro was met by an explosion and a faceful of baking soda. He immediately started screaming about Dr. Wile's setting the experiment up to do that on purpose...

Sorry that this post and the last one weren't as humorous as my others. I'll be back on track soon, I swear! Lots of love.


Friday, September 12, 2008

A Little More On The Random Side

So guess what? As I've said before, I'm doing Rosetta Stone - Spanish as my foreign language this year. I ac;quired levels 1 & 2 from a friend, but she failed to give me all of the program right away (on Tuesday), so I was left with the language disc, and the workbook for a few days (until Thursday). Let me clear something up before I go on. I took Spanish 1 from A Beka, so I was already familiar with Spanish, plus when I was younger, I did some dumbed-down Latin. As a result, European languages come a little easier to me than they would to a complete beginner. Anyway, on with the story. Since I only have Spanish and Algebra to do, obviously I'm going to be doing a lot of them since I'm so incredibly bored. So I got right along with Spanish--and it really is fun--and spent a few hours on it daily for those few days. I finished Unit 1, and got halfway through Unit 2 by Thursday, when I got the rest of the program. Along with it came a teachers book, with a few suggested schedules, depending on the students acclimation to the program. I was shocked when I saw how long Unit 1 was SUPPOSED to take me. Anyone care to guess? NINE WEEKS! A WHOLE QUARTER! Can we say extremely bored homeschooler with way too much time on her hands? Good.

Along with that, I'm also done with Module 1 of Algebra, roughly the same effect as the Rosetta Stone. I need a life...

As I promised, this post was SUPPOSED to be a little on the random side, but it seems like I've done nothing but ramble on about school, like I usually do. I guess the only random thing I can think of saying is that I was surfing through, I came across a link to a musicians Myspace. Her name is Kat Tingey, and she wrote a song based on Twilight (Edward's perspective at least). It's called Undone. She has it for sale on her website, but there's this nasty little thing that keeps troubling my life--no credit card, which goes on to mean that I can't buy things on the internet without dear Father's consent...and he would just go on a tirade about all my 'pagan' music. And since Tingey just isn't that popular, Limewire doesn't have ANYTHING of hers. I'm in a jam.

Funny story! The second class of Mr. Schlafly's was just yesterday (although Schlafly himself failed to make an appearance due to another engagement). Two of the students (one being Mr. Schlafly's daughter) taught the class. Impressive, I know. We were going to do Salem Witch Trials, reenacted, of course. So when the time comes for Sharon to pick who plays which part, she says "Christina...would you like to be the witch?" The whole class burst out laughing. Even the new people knew me well enough from just that first class to haul out in hysterics at Sharon's supposed implications.

On that note, I won't bore you any more. And so we go...


Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Move Along, Move Along

No, that actually wasn't a Rejects quote. I was thinking more along the lines of Star Wars. Can you just picture a storm trooper in his plastic little outfit, waving his gun..."Move along, move along..."

I really surprise myself sometimes with the things I come up with. By moving along, I meant more like with the school year, but then I was struck by the title's reference to Star Wars. I guess by saying that I may as well just stamp myself with a big red mark--"I AM A HOMESCHOOLER." Up until the third (as in Revenge of the Sith) Star Wars came out, I was a fan...mostly because I was younger. They still hold a place in my heart, but ROTS definitely tarnished my view of it forever.

Wow. I just went on a tirade about Star Wars. Now, MOVING ALONG to the real topic of this post. I'm moving along with my school work, slowly, but surely. And when I say slowly, that means I STILL don't have all of my work. I acquired Rosetta Stone - Spanish today, and have started full speed ahead. Since I have all this time on my hands that ISN'T occupied by the school I don't have, I've been trying to get as much of the other stuff done as I can. I'm averaging about three lessons of math a day. I could do more; it really isn't that hard, but I just get so bored after an hour of algebra...

Spanish is going well. I'm doing about three lessons per day of that too, so I'm hoping to get levels 1 and 2 both done in one year. Things are looking good...

Today was the first day of Faith Center. Well, not really a 'first day.' More like freshman orientation. That's really what it should be called, because even though everyone is 'required' to go, it's just for all the new people who have absolutely no idea what to do with themselves. Not the uber-seniors like me...can we say ten years plus? Good.

I'll be doing Mrs. Oehme's Musical Scenes class again, which will be continuing Pilgrim's Progress where we left off, moving on from the end of Part 1 on to the rest of Part 2. The original cast will be performing Part 1 again in January, when our graduated seniors will all be back from college. I'm a little anxious about that because I sort of don't know where my script went, and I've just about forgotten my lines...I think I still have the music somewhat memorized. I hope she'll be gracious enough to give us lots of rehearsal time before the performance.

Alas, once again, I'm procrastinating with Mr. Schlafly's homework. I have a feeling everyone else is too...from what I've heard, no one has started yet. That makes me feel a smidgen better. I'm hoping to get to it tonight--at least to read the lecture. And then there's the daunting task of figuring out how to post it on Conservapedia. I hope it's not TOO complicated, or I just might have to hand it in hand-written. I bet he'd appreciate that. *Sarcasm*


Saturday, September 6, 2008

The Start of Something New

Like my little High School Musical touch? HA. I don't. It's a joke. Don't worry. I haven't gone all air headed on you. Well, not yet.

But this IS a start of something new. Just nothing that has to do with screeching adolescents. This is my first year of high school not using A Beka! I'm just about bursting with joy. I'm doing a wide splay of curriculum for different subjects. Honestly, it's a relief. I don't think I'd be able to get through another year of A Beka. Last year was positively awful. I think I might actually get good grades--I'll be motivated by the light schedule. I even get to go to college! Woot! Only one semester of chemistry! I'm ecstatic. And only one semester of history, thank to our dear Mr. Schlafly. It's made my workload much easier.

I'm getting over the whole Midnight Sun thing. At least I don't think about it all the time now and it doesn't bring me to tears every time I do... If you'd like to hear one of my favorite people in the world's opinion on it, check out Kaleb Nation's blog. It may do you some good. It sure made me feel better.

I'm almost positive that the majority of my friend's has NOT started school yet. A few are aiming for Monday...others are hoping for the end of September. I'm proud to say that TECHNICALLY, yesterday was my first day of school. Schlafly's DOES count as school. The rest of my school should be underway by the end of next week. I'll probably be done early this year, again. I will actually be able to do double days without killing my self. *coughABekacough*

I'm a little exasperated with some of my friends who I know are READING this blog, but refuse to COMMENT. I encourage you--COMMENT. I like it! It makes me want to put up a new post sooner. And it assures me that YES people REALLY ARE reading this. So comment, friends!
