Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Shocker: posting only a week after the last one?

I mean, maybe I'm the only one who is shocked? Although it shouldn't be a surprise. The semester is over, and I'm only working one job so I have all this...stuff on my hands. Time? What is this time thing you speak of?

Well my time is being used up by three things. Work, working OUT, and MUSIC.

Starting to work out regularly for the first time since, I think...last summer? It hurts just to think that. I'm such a freaky out of shape mess!

Work: I hate to be that person who just sits around and complains about their job, but I'm going to be. It's a rotten place. It smells like onions. My boss refuses to make a schedule, and insists on calling me and asking me to come in...right that second. No, I will not drop what I'm doing and come straight there even if I can, simply because you called me and told me to. Call me what you like, but I won't. Eesh. Can't wait to go to college and NOT work.

And music. I think I was 14 the last time I listened to this much music on a regular basis. But in an information age with FM transmitters, iPods, and multimedia smartphones, it's so much more accessible.

I want to talk about this one thing: dubstep. It seems like it's the new thing to center your life around. With good reason! According to my favorite Urban Dictionary, dubstep is music centered around bass. Or as me and my fellow listeners say, WOMP WOMP WOMP WOMP da da YAYAYAYAYAYAAYAYAYAYA.

I'm especially proud of two certain people. I'm going to be annoying and give them shout outs, but only because they are SO AMAZING I CAN'T TAKE IT. They have gifts.

The first is the one and only Matt, my dear brother. He goes by the alias, Cliche of the Day, and his mixes can be found on his Reverb Nation page.

The second is Josh, my fellow bandmate. A gifted kid, that he is. Find him on Reverb Nation also, as A.C.O.G. (A Child of God).

If you happen to find time in your busy schedule, listening to those kids would be a good use of your time. I promise you shall not be disappointed. :)

Ok I'm done shamelessly promoting my family and friends.

And so we go.

1 comment:

roots youth said...

I love your dubstep's perfect !!