Monday, August 30, 2010


I now have a job! Quite exciting. Aha.

Whatever, I work at a coffee shop. Ironic right? I don't drink coffee. I don't even like it. With good reason. It makes me bounce off the wall. After the first day, my boss won't let me have it anymore. Wonder why.

In two days, there will be Freshman Orientation at SCCC. I'm going, which is probably silly because I've taken classes there before, and I'm only going to be here 2 semesters. But I hear they give you free flash drives. Aha. I'm a sucker for free stuff.

One of the weirdest things about GETTING OLD (which I am), is leaving youth group. And the reason this may seem weirder to me than it should is because I'm still here. It's not like I went away, you know? I'm still living in Sparta, going to the same church, seeing the same people...but not being a part of it anymore. *sniff* Ok I'm done being melodramatic.

I'm saving for a Macbook. Now, before you give me the 'they're so expensive and totally not worth it and why are you gonna do that" spheal, let me say this. I DO WHAT I WANT. Kidding. That was mean. Anyways, I really want one and the perks far outweigh the price so I'm gonna get one. And that free accompanying iPod Touch is quite appetizing. Speaking of iPods, I need a new Nano. Mine HATES ME. The batter dies after three hours. Sheesh.

Ok ok I'm done boring you. Have a nice day. Come get coffee ;)

And so we go.

Friday, August 20, 2010

What a lovely

LAST full week of August we are about to embark into. Can you believe it? I feel like I said this in my last post, but this summer is just going WAY too fast. I can't say I hate it thought because I'm really glad that it's going to be fall time again.

I feel weird saying this, but I like fall because the clothes are better. No SERIOUSLY. It's so much easier to dress with variety. I mean, in the summer it's kinda hard to make shorts and a t shirt look different than the same shirt and t shirt you wore the day before. And sundresses can only be worn so long before I go insane. But fall? and winter? Ahh. All sorts of goodies like jeans, and sweaters, and scarves, and vests and all that fun stuff that you can mix and match any single way you want.

Ok. Clothing shpheal over.

For my unfortunate semester at SCCC this fall, I'll be taking 4 classes that will transfer to PHC when I finally get there. Fortunately, I am only taking 3 of them at the college (the other online) on only two days. That'll free up time for working or otherwise occupying my time.

AND I am able to take a class online from PHC. It's a Theology class. Call me strange, but I am SO excited. I took a doctrine class in my sophomore year of high school and was thoroughly amazed at everything I learned, so I'm looking forward to this class and hoping it won't kill me with home work.

Job interview at Panera on Wednesday, wish me luck!

And so we go.