Friday, October 10, 2008


As of this week, I have officially started ALL of my school work. Yeah, funny, huh? I'm such a homeschooler!

I got my English in the mail while I was still sick, so obviously it was a few days before I started up. When I first looked, it seemed like I would have a lot of English to do on top of all the other stuff I was doing, then I remembered: Now I don't have to do five lessons of Algebra and Spanish each day! WOOOOOOOOOOT! I can actually do NORMAL amounts of school! I'm just about floating over here with happiness.

I also won't be taking chemistry at County. :'( sniff. I'm doing Apologia (*GAG*). I swear, Wile made those books just to torture teenagers. That's the only reason. He doesn't really care about our education. Don't be fooled!

This is the part where I go on to talk about things that have nothing to do with school, because I decided that this blog isn't just about HOMESCHOOLING; it's about a HOMESCHOOLER. Therefore, you get to hear all about ME, and ALL of me, not just the school part. So be prepared for the worst!!!

FINALLY official Twilight trailer is up. You can watch it in HD at I HIGHLY recommend watching it, even if you HATE Twilight, and everything about it, because you are OBVIOUSLY possessed by some kind of mental disease if you do, and this trailer will cure that.

Seriously, I stopped breathing. I didn't breathe for the whole two minutes and twenty three seconds of the whole thing. And then, of course, when it was over, the hyperventilating started. No, this isn't like the Beatles. All those girls who were fainting all over them were FAKING it, becuase THIS is the real thing to faint over!

Okay, I'm done with by exaggerations, but you should still watch it. Happy watching!


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