Friday, August 29, 2008

School Is Almost Here! (+a Little News From The "Unsheltered" World XD)

Goodness! Only a few days left until school starts. Well, maybe for all of you. Mom has this idea that we can start as late as she feels necessary, regardless of whether it makes me finish sometime in August 2009...

Ah well, hopefully it won't come to that. I'm trying to make this year's workload as easy as possible. After doing A Beka for two years straight, I'm just about ready to shoot myself whenever I even think about school. But this year, it should be easy. I'm studying for a clep test so hopefully I can get out of English for the rest of high school. Maybe even math. But as Mom says, "Don't be looking too far down the road..." And why not? I'd LOVE to graduate this year...
Schlafly's class starts in only...what? Six days? AGHHHH! Too soon! I'm not ready for school! I hope I'll survive this class. Writing at least came easily to me; I have no idea what I'll do with history...ah, history--the bane of my existence.

A side note (nothing to do with school), someone leaked twelve chapters of the incomplete draft of Midnight Sun onto the internet. If you don't know what that is, then you've obviously been living under a rock. It is Twilight from Edward's perspective. Look it up, read it, whatever you need to do. Anyway, Stephenie Meyer (author) has stopped writing, and put off the project 'indefinitely.' I don't know exactly what that means, but I'm pretty sure it's something like Christina's going to have to wait a LONG time to get to read Midnight Sun. Meyer has posted the twelve chapters on her site, because she says she doesn't want her fans to feel dishonest while getting the chapters some other illegal way. She'd rather just hand it to them on a silver platter. Well, you won't see ME reading it. I'm loyal, thank you very much.

Okay, I'm done ranting. Have a nice five days before your life is ruined by the dreaded disease we call 'education.'



Sharon said...

Oh no! Actually, I was obliged to start last Monday. Not very happy.

I agree that Abeka is terrible, and CLEPs are wonderful. The best part is you get your grade as soon as you are done taking it on the computer, and take home a printout.

Schlafly class won't be too bad either. I've helped write the lectures, and I don't think you'll have any problems.

mariposa said...

Hey! Just wanted to let you know I like your blog! I've been homeschooled my whole life until recently. Btw, I love the "Twilight" series as well :)