Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Preamble - Have Faith In Me

                  It was a journey. They all start out that way, right? One second you’re just living your life, the next you’re fighting for it. You push on and on until you feel it will all come crashing down around you. They told you once they would be there forever. That lasted only so long. Now you are alone, and you are running, running away from everything you know to start something new. And it will all start over again.
                  But it’s a journey, not an event.
                  So when I start this, I mean not to give you a tale of hope and happiness. I don’t pretend to have it all together. I won’t fool you into thinking that what you read will be pleasing to your eyes and ears and minds. I laugh at the idea that my story would give your life meaning.
                  What is the purpose, then? To what end to I strive for as I sit behind a keyboard, typing away while I should be reading the countless words of the wise in order to better myself (so they say) and receive a piece of paper saying I am capable? That is all it is really, anyways. So why do I pass this writing before you in hopes that you will read every word, once or twice, maybe three times? Why do I even try?
                  I desire only that you would notice; that you would know I have been; that you would acknowledge my existence; that you would give just one nod to the one who stood by, understood all, believed before denial, trusted before defense, hoped from the bottom of a bruised heart that it would not become stone cold. If only for a moment, please have faith in me.