Wednesday, March 30, 2011

I'm going to try this whole posting regularly thing

I got accepted into Phi Theta Kappa! For those of you who don't know, it's part of the National Honors Society. I got to go to an induction ceremony and everything. It's nice to have something like that to know that my hard work doesn't just pass by unnoticed by anyone.

I'm going to visit Patrick Henry this Friday for their Prospective Students Day. I cannot wait. I've literally been thinking about it every single day since I found out I was going. Maybe that's why I wasn't able to write those essays last night..hmm or I was just tired beyond belief and couldn't make sense of Western Civilizations.

I can't wait to go away to school and JUST do school full time without working or anything. I feel like I would do so much better if I wasn't working two jobs that take up every spare second of my time. It's like: money, grades, sleep. Pick two. Social life is barely even an option in there. It's sad to see when school becomes your social life.

And so we go.

-Christina to the World

Friday, March 25, 2011

I'm back from the dead.

Usually this happens when someone begs me to because they miss reading my blog. Well no one misses me this time, but I miss myself, *sigh* I used to be so hilarious.


An update on what has been going on:

I was accepted to Patrick Henry College and am now OFFICIALLY transferring there this fall. I'm SUPER excited about this. I'm going to be studying Government with focus on International Politics and Policies. I cannot even begin to describe how nerdy I feel about being this psyched about SCHOOL. Ha.

Currently, I'm still studying at SCCC, which is going fine. I feel a sense of malaise there, but that's just me being dissatisfied, which I have a frequent tendency to do. I'm trying to get past that, though, because it makes me put less effort into my work.

I could probably write a whole slew of other things that make no sense and matter little to anyone who happens to go out of their way to read this, but it's after 11pm and I'm one of those people who works and works and then dies of exhaustion. So excuse the run on sentence, and let me fall into slumber.

More posts soon!

And so we go.

-Christina to the World.