Friday, October 30, 2009

School ;P

Uhgg. School.

Hmm going ok maybe? Getting good grades, oh yesss [: Except for history but shh thats a secrettt.

This is my first year involved in an academic coop. I've been in one other coop before (the famed Faith Center) but it revolved strictly around the arts. Bright coop (which I am currently being tortured by) has academics. Classes, ya know?

Alls going well except for lack of sleep due to my fascination with staying up as late as I can to see how dead I can be the next day. Especially Thursday nights, because Friday is the longest day of the week. Who woulda thought right? But getting up at 6 30 to be out of the house by 8 at the latest and then get to coop at 8 30 for a whopping three hours straight of mathematics. Joy.

I've got nothing more to say. Goodbye.

--Christina to the World